Mission Statement: Health equity for indigenous people.
Biigtig Consulting was created by a business partnership between indigenous health professionals who have worked over 20 years in indigenous health. Together while working in our home community of Biigtigong Nishnaabeg, we worked as frontline health care professionals while actively adopting new policies and procedures during the Accreditation Canada process of evaluating our health services. After our first evaluation, we received exemplary status with Accreditation Canada. Since our work as frontline professionals at this health centre, we have moved on in our careers to work in other health centres to gain valuable knowledge and management experience. We see the struggles that plague other health centres struggling through the accreditation process and realize we have the knowledge and Indigenous perspective to assist future clientele.

Shelly (Michano) Livingston is a Nishnabeg Kwe from Biigtigong Nishnabeg. She served her home community for many years as the Community Health Nurse (RN) before continuing her path of helping the wider indigenous community. She is currently serving as Health Manager for the neighboring community Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg. From life and her lengthy career, she has seen the effects of colonization on the first people of this land with her own eyes. She has seen how systemic racism in health care contributes to issues such as chronic illnesses and social issues such as addiction and suicide. Noticing how systemic racism and the active separation of our society from our original ways of being is key in Shelly’s view of her surroundings; as well, as influencing the way she thinks about helping her indigenous relations overcome these challenges. She is an excellent listener with the talent for saying the right thing at the exact right time. She is a passionate supporter of the revitalization of Nishnaabemowin, taking care of relationships with the natural world around her and especially reclaiming indigenous food systems. Shelly also serves her fellow indigenous relatives on the board of directors for the Northern Neighbors Nurse Practitioner-led Clinic - White River, as well as Gagige Zaabigigaa, Northern Ontario Indigenous Food Sovereignty Collaborative, Stewardship Council. Her work as a surveyor with Accreditation Canada makes sure indigenous communities across Turtle Island have safe and accessible health care. She is well respected in her nursing communities and has had input into Accreditation Canada standards for Cultural Safety and Humility for non-indigenous health organizations nationally. By nature, Shelly is a nurturer and feels most herself and fulfilled when breaking down barriers and practicing her indigenous ways of being. She is a mother of two who is determined to leave this world in a better condition than she originally found it; teaching her children and their peers to follow in these footsteps along the way.

John Cooke is a Nishnaabe Nini from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg. He has been a Registered Nurse since 2009 working both in his home community and surrounding areas as well as servicing various establishments across Turtle Island. As an indigenous RN, John knows and has seen intimate views of the health struggles of indigenous people through his work across Canada. He has experience in a plethora of roles including Community Health, Emergency Care, Surgical Care and Post-Anaesthesia Care. During his time with his home community, John was pivotal in laying the groundwork for their efforts to become an accredited institution.
Being connected to the land is important to John. In his spare time away from work he enjoys hunting, hiking and traveling the world. While immersing himself in his own culture is important to him, he also loves to experience and enjoy new cultures on his travels. An adventurous spirit, John has traveled all across Canada, not to mention setting foot on several of the world’s continents. A caring and kind spirit, makes John an ideal person to be taking care of any population. Leaving a lasting impression on both his coworkers and clients alike John has a comforting presence, is compassionate, easy to talk to and empathetic. When he is committed to something he is incredibly dedicated.